Php How to Change Png From Jpg Image Upload File Written By Freeman Bacte1996 Saturday, 16 April 2022 Add Comment Edit class.upload.php samples, a files uploading and images manipulation PHP class These images are created by the grade.upload.php exam suite, that you can download part of the package. original file paradigm/png - 150 10 100 - 35.25KB width 50, top car prototype/png - 50 ten 33 - 4.5KB $foo->image_resize = truthful; $foo->image_ratio_y = true; $foo->image_x = l; height 50, width automobile image/png - 75 ten 50 - 9.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_x = true; $foo->image_y = fifty; height 50, width l image/png - l ten 50 - 6.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_y = fifty; $foo->image_x = fifty; meridian 50, width 50, keeping ratio image/png - 50 x 33 - 4.5KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio = true; $foo->image_y = l; $foo->image_x = 50; 50x50, keeping ratio, cropping excedent image/png - l x 50 - six.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_crop = true; $foo->image_y = 50; $foo->image_x = 50; 50x50, keeping ratio, cropping right excedent prototype/png - 50 x fifty - 7KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_crop = 'L'; $foo->image_y = l; $foo->image_x = 50; 50x50, keeping ratio, cropping left excedent image/png - 50 ten fifty - 6.5KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_crop = 'R'; $foo->image_y = 50; $foo->image_x = 50; 150x50, keeping ratio, filling in image/png - 150 ten fifty - 10KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_fill = true; $foo->image_y = 50; $foo->image_x = 150; 150x50, keeping ratio, filling left side image/png - 150 x l - 10KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_fill = 'L'; $foo->image_y = fifty; $foo->image_x = 150; 100x150, keeping ratio, filling acme and lesser image/png - 100 x 150 - 15.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_fill = 'R'; $foo->image_y = 150; $foo->image_x = 100; $foo->image_background_color = '#FF00FF'; superlative 50, width l, cropped, using ratio_crop image/png - thirty x 50 - 4.25KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_crop = true; $foo->image_crop = '0 ten'; $foo->image_y = 50; $foo->image_x = 50; calculates x and y, targeting 25000 pixels epitome/png - 194 ten 129 - 51.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_pixels = 25000; calculates 10 and y, targeting 10000 pixels paradigm/png - 122 10 82 - 23.25KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_pixels = 10000; 20% ingather image/png - xc x threescore - 12.75KB $foo->image_crop = '20%'; 5px vertical and xx% horizontal crop image/png - 90 10 xc - 20KB $foo->image_crop = '5 20%'; negative crop with a background color image/png - 180 x 106 - 34KB $foo->image_crop = '-3px -x%'; $foo->image_background_color = '#FF00FF'; 5px top, 40px right, 10% bot. and -20px left crop image/png - 130 x 85 - 24.25KB $foo->image_crop = 'five twoscore 10% -20'; 15px pre-cropping (before resizing 150 wide) image/png - 150 x 88 - 26.75KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_y = truthful; $foo->image_x = 150; $foo->image_precrop = fifteen; diverse pre-cropping (earlier resizing 150 broad) image/png - 150 x 98 - 26KB $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_ratio_y = true; $foo->image_x = 150; $foo->image_precrop = '25 lxx 10% -20'; ninety degrees rotation prototype/png - 100 x 150 - 34.75KB $foo->image_rotate = '90'; 180 degrees rotation image/png - 150 x 100 - 35.25KB $foo->image_rotate = '180'; horizontal flip, into WEBP file paradigm/webp - 150 x 100 - 6.75KB $foo->image_convert = 'webp'; $foo->image_flip = 'H'; vertical flip, into GIF file paradigm/gif - 150 10 100 - x.75KB $foo->image_convert = 'gif'; $foo->image_flip = 'V'; 180 degrees rotation, into GIF, green bg epitome/ten-ms-bmp - 150 ten 100 - 44.25KB $foo->image_convert = 'gif'; $foo->image_default_color = '#00FF00'; $foo->image_rotate = '180'; 90 degrees rotation and horizontal flip, into PNG prototype/png - 100 x 150 - 34.75KB $foo->image_convert = 'png'; $foo->image_flip = 'H'; $foo->image_rotate = '90'; 20px blackness and white bevel image/png - 150 x 100 - 31KB $foo->image_bevel = 20; $foo->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_bevel_color2 = '#000000'; 5px white bevel (shine edge) image/png - 150 x 100 - 33.75KB $foo->image_bevel = five; $foo->image_bevel_color1 = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_bevel_color2 = '#FFFFFF'; 5px cerise border prototype/png - 160 ten 110 - 35.75KB $foo->image_border = 5; $foo->image_border_color = '#FF0000'; 5px greenish semi-transparent border epitome/png - 160 ten 110 - 35.75KB $foo->image_border = 5; $foo->image_border_color = '#00FF00'; $foo->image_border_opacity = 50; 5px top, 20px right, 1px bot. and 25% left bluish border paradigm/png - 207 x 106 - 35.75KB $foo->image_border = '5 xx 1 25%'; $foo->image_border_color = '#0000FF'; flat colored frame, 4 px wide image/png - 158 x 108 - 35.5KB $foo->image_frame = one; $foo->image_frame_colors = '#FF0000 #FFFFFF #FFFFFF #0000FF'; crossed colored frame, vii px broad image/png - 164 10 114 - 35.5KB $foo->image_frame = 2; $foo->image_frame_colors = '#FFFFFF #BBBBBB #999999 #FF0000 #666666 #333333 #000000'; flat colored frame, 4 px wide, 25% opacity image/png - 158 x 108 - 35.5KB $foo->image_frame = ane; $foo->image_frame_colors = '#FF0000 #FF00FF #0000FF #000000'; $foo->image_frame_opacity = 25; 10px fade-to-transparent edge image/png - 150 ten 100 - 35.5KB $foo->image_border_transparent = 10; various fade-to-transparent borders epitome/png - 150 ten 100 - 35.75KB $foo->image_border_transparent = 'x 50 20 60'; right fading-out to transparency mask epitome/png - 150 10 100 - 35.25KB $foo->image_border_transparent = array(0, 150, 0, 0); tint and 50% overlay and 180' rotation paradigm/png - 150 10 100 - 8.25KB $foo->image_overlay_color = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = 50; $foo->image_rotate = '180'; $foo->image_tint_color = '#FF0000'; #FF0000 tint image/png - 150 x 100 - 19KB $foo->image_tint_color = '#FF0000'; 50% overlay #FF0000 image/png - 150 x 100 - 29.5KB $foo->image_overlay_color = '#FF0000'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = 50; five% overlay #0000FF epitome/png - 150 ten 100 - 34.75KB $foo->image_overlay_color = '#0000FF'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = v; 90% overlay #FFFFFF image/png - 150 x 100 - 18.5KB $foo->image_overlay_color = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = ninety; brightness 25 image/png - 150 x 100 - 34.5KB $foo->image_brightness = 25; brightness -25 image/png - 150 10 100 - 29.75KB $foo->image_brightness = -25; contrast 75 epitome/png - 150 x 100 - 34.75KB $foo->image_contrast = 75; opacity 75 paradigm/png - 150 x 100 - 35.25KB $foo->image_opacity = 75; opacity 25 paradigm/png - 150 ten 100 - 34.75KB $foo->image_opacity = 25; threshold filter image/png - 150 x 100 - 7.5KB $foo->image_threshold = xx; greyscale image/png - 150 x 100 - 28.25KB $foo->image_greyscale = true; negative image/png - 150 x 100 - 35KB $foo->image_negative = true; original file, again image/png - 150 10 100 - 35.25KB pixelate, 3px block size paradigm/png - 150 x 100 - 15KB $foo->image_pixelate = three; pixelate, 10px cake size image/png - 150 x 100 - 8KB $foo->image_pixelate = ten; unsharp mask, default values epitome/png - 150 x 100 - 39.25KB $foo->image_unsharp = true; unsharp mask, different values image/png - 150 x 100 - 37.75KB $foo->image_unsharp = true; $foo->image_unsharp_amount = 200; $foo->image_unsharp_radius = 1; $foo->image_unsharp_threshold = five; brightness, resize, rotation, overlay & label image/png - 200 x 100 - sixteen.25KB $foo->image_brightness = 75; $foo->image_resize = true; $foo->image_y = 200; $foo->image_x = 100; $foo->image_rotate = 'ninety'; $foo->image_overlay_color = '#FF0000'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = 50; $foo->image_text = 'verot.cyberspace'; $foo->image_text_color = '#0000FF'; $foo->image_text_background = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_text_position = 'BL'; $foo->image_text_padding_x = 10; $foo->image_text_padding_y = 2; overlayed transparent label image/png - 150 x 100 - 31.75KB $foo->image_text = ''; $foo->image_text_color = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_opacity = fourscore; $foo->image_text_background = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = lxx; $foo->image_text_font = five; $foo->image_text_padding = 20; overlayed vertical plainly label bottom left paradigm/png - 150 x 100 - 32.75KB $foo->image_text = ''; $foo->image_text_direction = 'v'; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_font = 2; $foo->image_text_position = 'BL'; $foo->image_text_padding_x = 2; $foo->image_text_padding_y = eight; overlayed vertical characterization, into BMP prototype/x-ms-bmp - 150 x 100 - 44.25KB $foo->image_convert = 'bmp'; $foo->image_text = ''; $foo->image_text_direction = 'v'; $foo->image_text_color = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = 50; $foo->image_text_padding = 5; overlayed characterization with absolute negative position paradigm/png - 150 x 100 - 31.5KB $foo->image_text = ''; $foo->image_text_opacity = 50; $foo->image_text_background = '#0000FF'; $foo->image_text_x = -5; $foo->image_text_y = -five; $foo->image_text_padding = 5; overlayed transparent label with absolute position image/png - 150 x 100 - 34KB $foo->image_text = ''; $foo->image_text_background = '#0000FF'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = 25; $foo->image_text_x = five; $foo->image_text_y = 5; $foo->image_text_padding = twenty; text label with multiple lines and small-scale font image/png - 150 x 100 - 33.25KB $foo->image_text = "\nclass\nupload"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = 75; $foo->image_text_font = 1; $foo->image_text_padding = 10; vertical multi-lines text, right aligned image/png - 150 ten 100 - 33.5KB $foo->image_text = "\nclass\nupload"; $foo->image_text_color = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_background = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = 60; $foo->image_text_padding = 3; $foo->image_text_font = iii; $foo->image_text_alignment = 'R'; $foo->image_text_direction = 'V'; text label with 10 pixels of line spacing image/png - 150 10 100 - 32.25KB $foo->image_text = "verot.internet\nclass\nupload"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_background_opacity = 50; $foo->image_text_padding = 10; $foo->image_text_x = -5; $foo->image_text_y = -five; $foo->image_text_line_spacing = ten; text label in a black line, plus unsharp mask image/png - 150 x 116 - 39.5KB $foo->image_unsharp = true; $foo->image_border = '0 0 sixteen 0'; $foo->image_border_color = '#000000'; $foo->image_text = "verot.internet"; $foo->image_text_font = two; $foo->image_text_position = 'B'; $foo->image_text_padding_y = 2; using tokens in text labels image/png - 156 x 133 - 34.25KB $foo->image_crop = '-three -3 -30 -3'; $foo->image_text = "[dst_name] [dst_x]10[dst_y]"; $foo->image_text_background = '#6666ff'; $foo->image_text_color = '#ffffff'; $foo->image_background_color= '#000099'; $foo->image_text_font = 2; $foo->image_text_y = -7; $foo->image_text_padding_x = iii; $foo->image_text_padding_y = 2; all the tokens available paradigm/png - 180 x 355 - 39.75KB $foo->image_crop = '-fifteen -15 -240 -15'; $foo->image_text = "token value\n ------------- ------------------\n src_name [src_name]\north src_name_body [src_name_body]\n src_name_ext [src_name_ext]\due north src_pathname [src_pathname]\n src_mime [src_mime]\n src_type [src_type]\north src_bits [src_bits]\n src_pixels [src_pixels]\n src_size [src_size]\n src_size_kb [src_size_kb]\northward src_size_mb [src_size_mb]\n src_size_human [src_size_human]\due north src_x [src_x]\north src_y [src_y]\due north dst_path [dst_path]\n dst_name_body [dst_name_body]\n dst_name_ext [dst_name_ext]\n dst_name [dst_name]\north dst_pathname [dst_pathname]\n dst_x [dst_x]\n dst_y [dst_y]\n date [date]\n fourth dimension [time]\n host [host]\northward server [server]\n ip [ip]\n gd_version [gd_version]"; $foo->image_text_alignment = '50'; $foo->image_text_font = 1; $foo->image_text_position = 'B'; $foo->image_text_padding_y = 5; $foo->image_text_color = '#000000'; text label with external GDF font image/png - 150 x 100 - 21.25KB $foo->image_text = "verot.internet\nclass\nupload"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_padding = x; $foo->image_text_font = "./foo.gdf"; $foo->image_text_line_spacing = 2; text characterization with external GDF font image/png - 150 x 100 - 31KB $foo->image_text = 'PHP'; $foo->image_text_color = '#FFFF00'; $foo->image_text_background = '#FF0000'; $foo->image_text_padding = 10; $foo->image_text_font = "./foo.gdf"; UTF-8 text label with external TTF font image/png - 150 10 100 - 26.25KB $foo->image_text = "àzértyuïôp"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_padding = 10; $foo->image_text_font = "./foo.ttf"; UTF-8 text label with external TTF font epitome/png - 150 x 100 - 25.75KB $foo->image_text = "άλφα\nβήτα"; $foo->image_text_color = '#0033CC'; $foo->image_text_size = 28; $foo->image_text_font = "./foo.ttf"; $foo->image_overlay_color = '#FFFFFF'; $foo->image_overlay_opacity = 75; UTF-8 text label with external TTF font prototype/png - 150 x 100 - 17.5KB $foo->image_text = "люблю"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_size = 20; $foo->image_text_angle = 20; $foo->image_text_padding = ten; $foo->image_text_font = "./foo.ttf"; 40px reflection image/png - 150 x 142 - 48KB $foo->image_reflection_height = '40px'; text label and 50% reflection image/png - 150 x 152 - 22.75KB $foo->image_text = "\nclass\nupload"; $foo->image_text_background = '#000000'; $foo->image_text_padding = 10; $foo->image_text_line_spacing = 10; $foo->image_reflection_height = 'l%'; 40px reflection and x pixels space, into JPEG image/jpeg - 150 x 150 - viii.25KB $foo->image_convert = 'jpg'; $foo->image_reflection_height = '40px'; $foo->image_reflection_space = 10; 60px reflection and -xl pixels space image/png - 150 x 120 - 45.5KB $foo->image_reflection_height = 60; $foo->image_reflection_space = -40; 50px reflection and 100% opacity image/png - 150 x 152 - 51.25KB $foo->image_reflection_height = 50; $foo->image_reflection_opacity = 100; 50px reflection and 20% opacity image/png - 150 x 152 - 51KB $foo->image_reflection_height = 50; $foo->image_reflection_opacity = xx; 50% reflection, blackness groundwork image/png - 150 10 152 - 51.25KB $foo->image_reflection_height = 'l%'; $foo->image_default_color = '#000000'; 50% reflection, pink background, into GIF paradigm/gif - 150 x 152 - 12.5KB $foo->image_convert = 'gif'; $foo->image_reflection_height = '50%'; $foo->image_default_color = '#000000'; overlayed watermark (alpha transparent PNG) image/png - 150 x 100 - 35.25KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark.png'; overlayed watermark, right position image/png - 150 x 100 - 36KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark.png'; $foo->image_watermark_position = 'R; watermark on greyscale picture, absolute position image/png - 150 x 100 - 29.25KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark.png'; $foo->image_watermark_x = 10; $foo->image_watermark_y = 10; $foo->image_greyscale = true; watermark, automatic up-resizing activated image/png - 150 x 100 - 33.5KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark.png'; $foo->image_watermark_no_zoom_in = false; large watermark automatically reduced (default) image/png - 150 x 100 - 35KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark_large.png'; large watermark, automated down-resizing deactivated epitome/png - 150 x 100 - 33.5KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark_large.png'; $foo->image_watermark_no_zoom_out = true; big watermark, down-resizing deactivated, position top-left image/png - 150 x 100 - 32.5KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark_large.png'; $foo->image_watermark_no_zoom_out = true; $foo->image_watermark_position = 'TL' big watermark automatically reduced, position twenty -20 image/png - 150 10 100 - 36.5KB $foo->image_watermark = 'watermark_large.png'; $foo->image_watermark_x = 20; $foo->image_watermark_y = -xx; desired JPEG size set to 3KB epitome/jpeg - 150 ten 100 - 3KB $foo->image_convert = 'jpg'; $foo->jpeg_size = 3072; JPG quality set to 10% image/jpeg - 150 x 100 - i.75KB $foo->image_convert = 'jpg'; $foo->jpeg_quality = 10; JPG quality set up to 80% image/jpeg - 150 x 100 - 6KB $foo->image_convert = 'jpg'; $foo->jpeg_quality = fourscore; PNG compression ready to 0 (fast, big files) image/png - 150 10 100 - 58.75KB $foo->image_convert = 'png'; $foo->png_compression = 0; PNG compression prepare to 9 (slow, smaller files) paradigm/png - 150 x 100 - 35.25KB $foo->image_convert = 'png'; $foo->png_compression = ix; WEBP quality set to 10% epitome/webp - 150 x 100 - 2.5KB $foo->image_convert = 'webp'; $foo->webp_quality = x; WEBP quality set to 80% image/webp - 150 10 100 - 6KB $foo->image_convert = 'webp'; $foo->webp_quality = 80; Source: Share this post
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